March 9th 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 9 - The Church

God has established three major institutions on this earth: the family, civil government, and the local Church. It is the local church that has been commissioned by God to carry out His purposes in reaching the lost and perfecting the saved. Therefore, God’s plan for a Christian will always be fulfilled best when connected with the local church.
The purpose of this lesson is to impress upon the individual the central role that the church should play in their everyday life.
The purpose of this lesson is to impress upon the individual the central role that the church should play in their everyday life.

The Curch - worksheet.docx |

The Church - Answer sheet.docx |
March 2nd 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 8 - The Will of God

A famous preacher once said that a successful man is a man who finds out what God wants him to accomplish with his life and then fulfills it. That is a very profound statement. The true measure of a person’s success is not their social status or bank account, or their influence or fame. It is simply doing what God wants them to do.
The purpose of this lesson is to give the individual a clear understanding of what the will of God is, as revealed in the Bible, so that they can begin to accomplish those things God would have them accomplish.
The purpose of this lesson is to give the individual a clear understanding of what the will of God is, as revealed in the Bible, so that they can begin to accomplish those things God would have them accomplish.

The Will of God.doc |
February 23rd 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 7 - The Word of God

What separates Christianity from any other “religion” in the world, is its claim to an absolute written authority from God. Having the Word of God is essential to a Christian’s growth in the grace of the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The standards by which a Christian is to govern their life in every detail are found in the pages of the Word of God.
The purpose of this lesson is to acquaint the new Christian with the basics of the Bible and how it relates to their everyday life, so they can begin to understand how its principles are to guide every facet of their walk in Jesus Christ.
The purpose of this lesson is to acquaint the new Christian with the basics of the Bible and how it relates to their everyday life, so they can begin to understand how its principles are to guide every facet of their walk in Jesus Christ.

The Word of God.doc |
February 16th 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 6 - The Holy Spirit

The day you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, the Holy Spirit of God took up permanent residency inside your body. This third person of the Trinity is perhaps the most misunderstood and ignored part of a Christian’s relationship with God.
The purpose of this lesson is to give the individual a basic understanding of what the Holy Spirit of God does in their life.
The purpose of this lesson is to give the individual a basic understanding of what the Holy Spirit of God does in their life.

The Holy Spirit - worksheet.docx |

The Holy Spirit - Answer Sheet.doc |
February 9th 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 5 - Prayer

“A Christian is only as strong as their prayer life.” There is a great deal of truth in this statement because prayer is simply your direct communication to God. When you read the Bible, God speaks to you; when you pray, you speak to God. Your personal relationship with Him cannot grow without proper communication.
The purpose of this lesson is to acquaint the individual with the basics of a proper prayer life so that these lines of communication can be open and effective in their life.
The purpose of this lesson is to acquaint the individual with the basics of a proper prayer life so that these lines of communication can be open and effective in their life.

Prayer - worksheet.docx |

Prayer - Answer sheet.doc |
February 2nd 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 4 - Eternal Security

Once an individual has settled the question of Salvation as the Bible declares it - by grace through faith in Jesus Christ - it is imperative that they understand how that decision has affected their entire life.
Can you lose your salvation? Will God ever throw me out of His family? Can I do something to lose my salvation?
Click here for video:
Can you lose your salvation? Will God ever throw me out of His family? Can I do something to lose my salvation?
Click here for video:

Eternal Security - worksheet.docx |

Eternal Security - Answer sheet.doc |
January 26th 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 3 - Baptism

Many religions and virtually every Christian denomination practices some sort of Baptism, but the diversities in the mode and meaning are broad. What does the Bible really say about Baptism and is it that important?
Click here for video:
Click here for video:

Baptism_-_worksheet.docx |

Baptism - Answer sheet.docx |
January 19th 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 2 - Salvation

Now that I am a Christian, do I really understand what has happened the me spiritually?
Today we talk about 'Salvation's impact on my spiritual identity.
Click here for video:
Click below for worksheet:
Today we talk about 'Salvation's impact on my spiritual identity.
Click here for video:
Click below for worksheet:

Salvation - Worksheet.docx |

Salvation - Answer Sheet.doc |
January 5th 2014 - Discipleship 101 - Lesson 1 - The Gospel Message

Sharing your faith with others can be scary for a lot of people. 'But, what if they ask me something about the Bible and I don't know that answer!" we often say.
Today we begin a series that will not only teach us what the Bible says about the essentials of Christianity, but it will be presented in a way that it is easily transportable. So we can share what we've learned with others. Isn't that what being a Disciple is all about?
Click here for Video:
Click below for worksheet:
Today we begin a series that will not only teach us what the Bible says about the essentials of Christianity, but it will be presented in a way that it is easily transportable. So we can share what we've learned with others. Isn't that what being a Disciple is all about?
Click here for Video:
Click below for worksheet:

The Gospel Message - Worksheet.docx |

The Gospel Message - Answer sheet.docx |